Event: New partnership with Business Network in Moldova

New partnership with Business Network in Moldova
31 March 2022 11:03
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In light of the humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and the associated refugee movements, Moldova as a neighboring country and host of refugees is experiencing increasing demands on supply of basic goods and services. For stabilizing this supply, SMEs play an elementary role.


This is why leverist.de and ODIMM are partnering to connect Moldovan and German companies in order to foster local business activities. Moldovan businesses can report their needs for cooperation with German companies by filling in this form and sending it to leverist@giz.de.


  • The company provides products and services in light of the humanitarian crisis or
  • offers jobs or trainings to Ukrainian refugees in Moldova or intends to do so in the near future.
  • Any business activities supporting the war are strictly excluded.

All approved collaboration opportunities will be visible at the Moldova Matching Page on leverist.de. Interested companies can directly contact the respective local business to start a collaboration.